Jenn-Air CVEX4100 Range User Manual

Beforethe first use,washyournew grill gratesin hotsoapywater, rinseand dry.
Then "season"the surfaceby wipingon a thincoatingof cookingoil, Remove
excessoil by wipingagain withanotherpapertowel, Thisprocedureshouldbe
repeatedwhen either: a) cleaningin the dishwashersincethe detergentmay
removeseasoningorb)anytimea sugar-basedmarinade(forexample,barbecue
sauce)isgoingto be used.
Preheat the grill on Hi for 5 minutes. Preheatingimprovesthe flavor and
appearanceof meatsand quicklysearsthe meatto help retainthejuices, The
heatingelementshouldglowa brightcherryred,
Usenonmetallicspatulas orutensils toprevent damaging theExcalibur®nonstick
grill grate finish.
Excessiveamounts of fat should be trimmed from meats, Onlya normalamount
is necessaryto producethe smokeneeded for that smoked,"outdoor"flavor,
Excessivefat cancreatecleaningandflare-upproblems.
Allowingexcessive amountsof grease or drippings to constantlyflame voids the
warrantyon the grillgrates. Excessivetiara-upsindicatethateitherthegrillinterior
needsto becleanedorthat excessiveamountsoffat are in themeatorthe meat
was not properlytrimmed.
Greasedrippingswill occasionallyigniteto produceharmlesspuffsofflamefor a
secondor two. Thisis a normalpartof the cookingprocess.
Should excess grease cause sustained flare-ups
1. Turnon thefan manually
2. Immediatelyturn gdll controlsto OFF.
3, Removemeat fromgrill.
Donot usealuminumfoilinsidethe grillarea. (
Donotusecharcoalor woodchipsinthe grillarea. I
Donot allowgrilllinerpan tobecomeoverloadedwithgrease. Cleanfrequently.I
Donotcovergratescompletelywithmeat. Leaveairspacebetweeneachsteak, allowproperventiation as we as preventf are-ups.