The PuriClean'" Water Filter is manufactured for Maytag
Appliances by:
Cuno Incorporated
400 Research Parkway
Meriden, CT 06450
Rated Flow: .5 gpm (1.9 L)
Min. Op. Temp: 33° F (.6° C)
Max. Op. Temp: 100° F (38 ° C)
Min. Op. Press: 30 psi (207 KPa)
Max. Op. Press: 125psi (862 KPa)
The filters listed below have been tested and certified to
NSF International under ANSI/NSF Standards 42 and 53
t[l for the reduction of impurities as indicated:
Taste/Odor Yes Yes Yes
Chlorine Yes Yes Yes
Class 1
Turbidity Yes No No
Particulate Yes Yes No
Std. 42 (Class I) (Class I)
Cyst Yes No No
Std. 53
Lead Yes Yes No
Std, 53
Capacity 250 gal. 250 gal. 500 gal.
(946 L) (946 L) (1893 L)
Function Chemical/ Chemical/ Chemical
Mechanical Mechanical
See accompanying Product Data Sheets for further infor-
mation on each filter.