Jenn-Air JRTF2160 Refrigerator User Manual

Note: When dispensing ice cubes, it is importantthat you use only the ice supplied by
thisicernaker. Icefrom anyothersourceoouldcauseanicejam. Ifthis happens,remove
and discard all icefrom the storage bin and any ice lodged in the ice chute.
Your automaticice maker islocated near the / SENSOR
topofthefreezercompartmentbehind theIce ARM
Access Panel. To gain access to the ice p/ _
makingmechanism,lift the Ice Access Panel. _ OFF
The ice maker has a wire sensor arm that is
connectedtoashut-off switch. This arm stops
the mechanism when the ice cube storage
binisfull, andrestartsitafterseveralice cubes
havebeen used. You can use thestoparm to stop all productionofice at any time. All
you need to do is raise the arm into the OFF position.
The ice maker should be turned off (arm up) when;
1. Ice storage bin is to be removed for extended period of time.
2. Refrigeratorisnot to beused fora considerableamount oftime,such asvacations.
Also, turn off the water supply to the ice maker in this instance, if practical.
3. Water supply is to be shut-offfor several hours.
Water fillsthe emptycubemold (Fig.1)when _FILL
the freezercompartmenthascooledto freez- TueE
ing temperature. Cold air is forced direCtly _ i IL_¢_'_ p'-
over mold.
When frozen, the cubes are rotated up and 1 ,_-_1_,_.
out of the mold (Fig. 2). The sweeper arm ICE
ejects them into the ice storage bin below. Fig. | ]..,_----ICE
The sensor arm (Fig. 3) senses when the 2==J===_==_
bin is full and signals the ice maker to stop
ejecting more cubes, d_"'_ =_" _
However, the mold has been refilled and
cubes frozen so the new supply is ready
when needed. As soon as ice is removed
from the bin,thesensorarmsignalsthatmore
is needed. The icemakerresumesoperation
by eiecting ready-and-waiting
frozen cubes. Fig.