Jenn-Air JRTF2160 Refrigerator User Manual

15. Pryout the two screw hole plug buttons on the bottom left side of the top door and
lower door. On some models, remove the door stops(metal plates) on the bottom
of eachdoor andinstallthemon oppositesides. Pressinthe plug buttonsinthe holes
on the right side of both doors.
16. Set thelower dooronthe bottomhinge, making surethe hinge pinentersthe bushing
in the door bottom.
17. While hoWtirtcjthe doer in a clesed positlen, take the canter hinge pin that was
removed in step8 and screw it through the left hole ofthe center hinge and into the
bottom doorbushing. Makesurethe longpingoes intothe bottom doorandthe short
pin goes into the top door.
18. Set the upper door on the center hinge, making sure the hinge pin enters the door
bushing. When you close the door, the gasket should hold it in place.
19. Making sure to usethe same number of spacersthat were originally used beneath
the upper hinge,installthe hinge mountingscrews. Beforetigbteningthesescrews,
make sure the top of the door is level with the cabinet top, and the space between
the door is equidistant acrossthe entire front. Avoid over-tightening these screws.
Tighten both untilthey are just snug, then turn them in another one-half turn.
20. Examine the door gasket all around each door, making sure no gaps are visible
betweenthegasketandcabinet. Ifagapshows, trystretchingthegasketaway#om
the door. The magnet will contact the cabinet surface.
21. Insta}]the handles on oppositesides of the doors as shown.
22. To replace the base grille, line up its springclips with the square openings in the
cabinet and tap each end in until the grille locks in place. Replacehinge cover.
23. Replace all food and return the fresh food control to its usual operating position.
17 j./ " I
_ J _ 7 LOWER
..... UPPER DOOR =
. I extension
._,_ / (some models)