Panel Kit Models
1. Align top grille vent (provided in the door kit) with the bottom
edge of the soffit. Use as a template, and mark where to drill
the holes.
2. Using the slotted hex head screws (provided with refrigerator),
attach the top grille vent to the soffit.
Side View
Predrill Panels (custom wood panels only)
IMPORTANT: The template can be used for either a ³⁄₈" (0.95 cm)
or a ¹⁄₈" (0.32 cm) reveal installation.
■ The drilling templates are used only for custom wood overlay
■ The drilling templates are double-sided.
■ The drilling holes are precut into the template.
1. On the template, locate the diagram of your refrigerator. Then,
follow the letters and colored arrows to correctly place the
drilling template on the panels.
2. Predrill ¹⁄₈" (0.32 cm) deep pilot holes into the wood rails
bordering the doors and top grille panels.
Predrill Panels (panel kits only)
IMPORTANT: The panels included in the panel kits are marked for
the location of the mounting brackets only.
1. Predrill holes where marked. See “Complete Installation” later
in this section, for instructions on drilling additional holes in
the door panels.
2. Peel back the film cover on the door panel in the area of the
brackets and handle studs. Do not fully remove the film
covering until the installation is complete.
Prepare Panels (custom wood and panel kits)
IMPORTANT: The process for installing panels on the refrigerator
is the same for both custom panels and panel kits.
Door Panels
1. Place panels on a firm, flat surface with the front facing down.
2. Locate the two predrilled holes in the handle side edge of the
door panel.
3. Using the installation block as a guide for depth, screw the
door studs (provided with refrigerator) into the predrilled door
panel (two door studs per door).
4. For the mounting bracket, insert the hex head pointed screws
(provided with refrigerator) into the wood at the top of the door
panels where they were predrilled.
■ It is critical to use the ⁵⁄₈" screw, the longest length
provided, to attach the bracket to the top of the door
panel. These hex head pointed screws are used only to
attach this mounting bracket.
■ Panel Kits - Find the holes to attach the hex head pointed
screws by locating the slots in the door panel, not the
U-shaped holes.
A. Top grille vent
B. Slotted hex head screw
A. Soffit
B. Airflow
C. Grille panel
D. Door panel
Excessive Weight Hazard
Use two or more people to move and install panels.
Failure to do so can result in back or other injury.
Broken Glass Hazard
Do not hit refrigerator glass doors.
Protect glass surface and edges during installation or
removal of doors.
Failure to do so can result in serious eye injury or
minor cuts.
A. Door stud
B. Installation block