Pilot on but no main a. ON/OFF switch is in “OFF” a. Put ON/OFF switch to “ON” position.
burner ignition position.
b. Gas valve is in “pilot” position. b. Turn knob to “ON” position.
c. Thermostat is not turned on. c. Turn thermostat to desired temperature.
d. Low gas pressure. d. Set manifold pressure to 4”.
e. Gas valve failure. e. Replace valve.
Temperature of a. Thermostat is not calibrated. a. Calibrate thermostat with exhaust
griddle erratic system running.
b. Air from exhaust hood excessive. b. Have exhaust hood inspected and air
flow balanced.
Griddle stays hot or a. Thermostat is not calibrated. a. Calibrate thermostat.
b. Thermostat failure. b. Replace thermostat.
c. Air from exhaust hood excessive. c. Have exhaust hood inspected and air
flow balanced.