To set the correct time of day, follow the steps as below.
Example: To set 3:15:
IStep Procedure Keypad Display
Touch CLOCK. _ n. nn
U, ULt
Turn DIAL until 3: is indicated _ (_ .nn
2 in the display. _ "_7.uu
3 Push DIAL. _ 3. uu'nn
Tum DiAL until 3;15 is ¢_
4 indicated in the display. 3:15
Push DIAL. The clock starts (_)
5 counting. 2' 15
Note; ° If the clock (or display) shows any abnormality, unplug the oven from the AC
out!et. Plug it in again and then reset the clock.
• When your oven is plugged in for the first time or when power resumes after a
power interruption, the numbers in the display reset to 0:08.
• This is a 12 hour clock.
• You can use the oven without setting clock.
• To check clock time during cooking, touch CLOCK. The clock time appears in
the display.
The oven has a safety feature which prevents use by children. The feature locks the
operation of the oven until canceled.
To set:
Step Procedure
Push DIAL. and hold for
'1 4 seconds.
LOCK appears in the display.
9: 5
To cancel:
Step Procedure
Push DIAL. and hold for
"1 4 seconds.
LOCK disappears from the
Demo mode setting: Touch STOPICLEAR and hold for 4 seconds. DEMO appears
in the display. Microwave energy will not be produced during demo mode.
To cancel Demo mode, touch STOPICLEAR and hold for 4 seconds. DEMO
disappears from the display.