
Tochange the refrigerator light:
1. Unplug the power cord from the outlet.
2. Remove refrigerator shelves.
3. Light shield is force fitted and has plastic tabs on
each side and a tab in the front. Release the tabs
on each side of light shield and push shield toward
rear of refrigerator and remove.
4. Turn the bulb counterclockwise and remove.
5. Replace a burned-out light bulb with a new 40 watt bulb,
turning it clockwise.
6. To replace light shield, position front tab into slot and
carefully force-fit side tabs into slots.
7. Replace the refrigerator shelves.
8. Plug the power
cord into the oulet.
1. If the power will be out for 24 hours or less, keep
all refrigerator doors closed to help foods stay
cold and frozen.
2. If the power will be out for more than 24 hours:
a) Remove all frozen food and store it in a frozen food locker.
b) Place 2 Ibs. (ca 1kg) of dry ice in the freezer for every
cubic foot (28 L) of freezer space. This will keep the
food frozen for two to four days. While handling dry ice,
wear gloves to protect your hands from frostbite.
Suffocation Hazard
When using dry ice, provide adequate ventilation.
Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide (CO2). When it
vaporizes, it can displace oxygen, causing dizziness,
light-headedness, unconsciousness and death by
suffocation. Open a window and do not breathe
the vapors.
c) If neither a food locker nor dry ice is available,
consume or dispose of food at once.
REMEMBER: In a power failure, a full freezer stays
cold longer than a partially filled one. A freezer full of
meat stays cold longer than a freezer full of baked
goods. If you see that food contains ice crystals, it may
be safely refrozen, although the quality and flavor may
be affected. If the condition of the food is poor, or if you
feel it is unsafe, dispose of it.
DO NOTrefreezefrozenfoodswhichhavethawedcompletely.
The UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgricultureinHomeand
still containicecrystalsor if theyarestillcold-below 4°0.
...Thawedgroundmeats,poultryorfish thathaveanyoff-odor
or off-colorshouldnotbe refrozenandshouldnotbeeaten.
Thawedice creamshouldbediscarded.If the odoror colorof
any foodis pooror questionable,disposeofit.Thefoodmay
of foods,particularlyfruits,vegetablesandpreparedfoods.The
eatingqualityof redmeatsis affectedlessthanthatof many
otherfoods.Userefrozenfoodsas soonaspossibletosaveas
muchof theirqualityasyou can.
If you choose to leave the refrigerator on while you are away,
follow these steps to prepare your refrigerator before you leave.
1. Use up any perishables and freeze other items.
2. Empty the icebin.
3. Turn off the Icemaker. NOTE: If the ambient temperature will
drop below freezing, have a qualified servicetechnician drain
the water supply system (on some models) to prevent serious
property damage due to possible flooding from rupturedwater
lines or connections.
If you choose to turn the refrigerator off before you leave,
follow these steps.
1. Remove all food from the refrigerator and empty ice bin.
2. Unplug refrigerator.
3. Clean refrigerator,wipe, and drywell.
4. Tape rubber or wood blocks to the tops of both doors to prop
them open far enough for air to get in.This stops odor and
mold from building up.
When you are moving your refrigerator to a new home,
follow these steps to prepare it for the move.
1. Remove all food from the refrigerator and pack all frozen food
in dry ice.
2, Unplug refrigerator.
3. Clean refrigerator,wipe, and drywell.
4. Empty water from the defrost pan.
5. Clean, wipe and dry thoroughly.
6. Take out all removable parts, wrap them well and tape them
together so they don't shift and rattle during the move. Refer to
sections in Using your Refrigerator for removal instructions.
7. Dependingon the model, raise the front of the refrigerator so it
rolls more easily OR screw in the leveling legs all the way so they
don't scrape the floor. See the LEVELING AND DOOR
CLOSING section.
8. Tape the doorsshut and tape the power cord to the
refrigerator cabinet.
When you get to your new home, put everything back and refer to
the REFRIGERATION INSTALLATION section for setup instructions.