Kenwood BLM80 Blender User Manual

ecommended Usage Chart (Programme Buttons)
Programme Button Usage/Food Items Max. Programme
ecommended Time
Fine Chop Use for chopping nuts, breadcrumbs and 30 secs
imilar dry ingredients.
Grinding Coffee Beans and Spices.
offee Beans 200g
Almonds 200g
Spices such as black peppercorns, 200g
cardamon seeds, cumin seeds, coriander
seeds, fennel seeds.
• For optimum performance when
processing spices we recommend
that you do not process more than 200g
at a time.
• Whole spices retain their flavour for a
much longer time than ground spices so
it is best to grind a small quantity fresh at
a time to retain the flavour.
• To release the maximum flavour and
essential oils whole spices are best
roasted prior to milling.
Coarse Chop Raw vegetables (such as onion, leeks, 250g 10 secs
carrots, celery)
Salsa 350g 10 secs
200g onion cut into quarters
1 red chilli cut in half
½ red pepper
few coriander leaves
1 plum tomato
Rinse Use to rinse the goblet before taking apart 500mls warm 30 secs
for cleaning. water Max
For best results always take the blender
apart for cleaning and dry thoroughly before
Recommended Usage Chart (Manual Control)
Usage/Food items Recommended Speed Time
Mayonnaise Max 3 egg mix Max 60 secs
Caesar Dressing Max 200g Mid 70 secs
Vegetable Purees /Baby Food 300g Min - Mid 60 secs
Fruit Purees 200g - 500g Max 30 secs
Batter mixes Max 1 litre Max 15 secs
Uncooked meat (Lean Beef, 150g Max 5 secs
Pork and Lamb)
Lean Beef cut into 2 cm cubes
Processing times stated are for guidance only and will vary depending on the exact recipe used, ingredients being
processed and personal preference. Stop the processing when the desired result has been achieved.
or best results
manually stop the
program when you
have achieved the
desired result.