See important points for bread making.
whhiittee bbrreeaadd
stiff British-type dough
1.36kg (3lb) strong plain flour
15ml (3tsp) salt
25g (1oz) fresh yeast; or 15g/20ml (
⁄2oz) dried yeast + 5ml (1tsp) sugar
750ml (1
⁄4pts) warm water: 43˚C (110˚F). Use a thermometer or add 250ml
(9floz) boiling water to 500ml (18floz) cold water
25g (1oz) lard
method 1
ddrriieedd yyeeaasstt
(the type that needs reconstituting): pour the warm water
into the bowl. Then add the yeast and the sugar and leave to stand for
about 10 minutes until frothy.
ffrreesshh yyeeaasstt::
crumble into the flour.
ootthheerr ttyyppeess ooff yyeeaasstt::
follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
2 Pour the liquid into the bowl. Then add the flour (with fresh yeast if used),
salt and lard.
3 Knead at minimum speed for 45 - 60 seconds. Then increase to speed 1,
adding more flour if necessary, until a dough has formed.
4 Knead for 3 - 4 more minutes at speed 1 until the dough is smooth, elastic
and leaves the sides of the bowl clean.
5 Put the dough into a greased polythene bag or a bowl covered with a tea
towel. Then leave somewhere warm until doubled in size.
6 Re-knead for 2 minutes at speed 1.
7 Half fill four 450g (1lb) greased tins with the dough, or shape it into rolls.
Then cover with a tea towel and leave somewhere warm until doubled in
8 Bake at 230˚C/450˚F/Gas Mark 8 for 30 - 35 minutes
for loaves
or 10 - 15
for rolls
When ready, the bread should sound hollow when tapped on the base.
sshhoorrttccrruusstt ppaassttrryy
450g (1lb) flour, sieved with the salt
5ml (1tsp) salt
225g (8oz) fat (mix lard and margarine straight from the fridge)
About 80ml (4tbsp) water
Don’t overmix
method 1 Put the flour into the bowl. Chop the fat up roughly and add to the flour.
2 Mix at speed 1 until it resembles breadcrumbs. Stop before it looks greasy.
3 Add the water and mix at minimum speed. Stop as soon as the water is
4 Cook at around 200˚C/400˚F/Gas Mark 6, depending on the filling.
3 large egg whites
175g (6oz) caster sugar
275ml (10 fl.oz.) double cream
fresh fruit eg raspberries, strawberries, grapes, kiwi fruit
method 1 Whisk the egg whites on a high speed until they form ‘soft peaks’.
2 With the whisk operating on speed 5, gradually add the sugar one
tablespoon at a time, whisking after each addition.
3 Line a baking tray with silicone paper, then spoon the meringue onto the
paper forming a nest approximately 20cm/8” in diameter.
4 Place the baking tray into an oven preheated to 150˚C/300˚F/Gas Mark 2,
then immediately reduce the temperature to 140˚C/275˚F/Gas Mark 1 and
bake for 1 hour. Turn the heat off but leave the pavlova in the oven to cool
5 When ready to serve, peel off the silicone paper and place on a serving
dish. Whip the cream until soft peaks form then spread over the top of the
pavlova and decorate with the fruit.