sausage filler
base plate
large nozzle (for thick sausages)
mall nozzle (for thin sausages)
Ask your butcher for sausage skin or
mail order from the Natural Casing
Company Ltd, PO Box 133,
Farnham, Surrey GU10 5HT,
England. Use pig/hog skin on the
large nozzle and sheep/lamb skin on
the small nozzle. Or, instead of using
skin, roll in breadcrumbs or
seasoned flour before cooking.
to use the sausage filler
1 If you’re using skin, soak it in cold
water for 30 minutes first. Then open
it up with a jet of water and place
your chosen nozzle under a running
tap and pull the skin onto the nozzle.
2 Fit the scroll inside the mincer body.
3 Fit the base plate ᕥ - put the notch
over the pin.
4 Hold the nozzle on the mincer
attachment and loosely screw the
ring nut on.
5 With the mincer attachment in the
position shown ᕦ, locate in the
outlet. Rotate the mincer body so
that the feed tube is upright.
6 Tighten the ring nut firmly by hand.
7 Fit the tray.
8 Switch on to speed 1. Using the
pusher, push the food down the feed
tube. Don’t push hard – you
could damage your mincer.
Ease the skin off the nozzle as it fills.
Don’t overfill.
9 Twist the skin to form sausages.
pork sausage recipe
100g (4oz) dry bread
600g (1
⁄2lb) pork, lean and fat, cut
nto strips
1 egg, beaten
5ml (1tsp) mixed herbs
salt and pepper
1 Soak the bread in water, then
squeeze and discard the water.
2 Mince the pork into a bowl.
3 Add the remaining ingredients and
mix well.
4 Make into sausages (see ‘to use the
sausage filler’).
5 Fry, grill or bake until golden brown.
kebbe maker
Kebbe is a traditional Middle Eastern
dish: deep-fried lamb-and-bulgur-
wheat parcels with a minced meat
to use the kebbe maker
1 Fit the scroll inside the mincer body.
2 Fit the shaper ᕧ – put the notch
over the pin.
3 Fit the cone.
4 Loosely screw the ring nut on.
5 With the mincer in the position
shown ᕨ, locate in the outlet.
Rotate the mincer body so that the
feed tube is upright.
6 Tighten the ring nut firmly by hand.
7 Fit the tray.
8 Switch on to speed 1. Using the
pusher, gently push your mixture
through. Cut into lengths.