Now start...
Wilh oven in kitchen.
’ Remove shIppIng materials, tape and
prcwcl~ve lllm lrom oven. Do No1 remove Ihe
shippmg base al lhis lime.
Personal InjurylProducl Damage Hazard
. DO Not
Ihe handle or any ponion of
the lronl lrame or trim lor lihing.
Because 01 Ihe weigh1 and size 01 Ihe
oven, Iwo or more people are needed lo
safely inslall this oven.
Fanlure lo properly lih the oven properly
could resull in product damage or
personal Injury.
Floor Damage
Before moving oven scross lloor, check
that oven is on shipping base or slide
oven onlo cardboard or herdboard.
Failure lo do so could cause damage
floor covering.
Dlsconnecl Ihe power supply Move
oven close lo cabmet opemng Make
elecmcal connect,~” See “Electrical
requlremenls” and -Electrical connecl~on“
sectmns. Panel E. for dela,ls
Remove and discard shIppIng base or
. cardboard or hardboard from under
oven Llfl o”en up lo c&net opening using Ihe
oven opening as an area to grip Cenler 0”en in
cablnel opening
Push agalnsf seal area of lronl frame lo push
oven unto cabinet
Perronal Injury Hazsrd
laslen oven lo cabinet using the
two screws provldad.
Failure lo do so could cause wen lo
mwe or lip during use and resull in
personal injury
the from frame 01 the oven Do Not ovemghlen
Turn power supply on Check the
’ operalIon of Ihe oven bake elemenl
Press Ihe Selector and Temperature conlrol
knobs The knobs will pop ou, Turn lhe Selector
conuol knob lo “BAKE “Turn the Temperature
conlrol knob lo “350” * Press Slarl butlon The
oven lndlcalor llghl should be on The lower
oven element (sealed below the o”en bonom)
should be healing and the ouler upper elemenl
should become hot. bul no! glow red The oven
lndlcalor llghl goes ofi when oven 15 prehealed
Turn oven seleclor and temperalure comrol
knobs 10 “OFF
Check the operallon of Ihe o”en broil
g elemenls
ECONO BROIL: Turn the Selector conlrol knob
lo ‘ECONO ” Turn Ihe Temperalure comrol
knob 10 “500” ” Press Slafi bullon The o”en
mdlcator lfghl should be on. Ihe ,nner upper
element should glow red. and lhe cooling fan
may lum on The o”en should be heatmg
MAXI BROIL: Turn the Selector conlrol knob lo
‘MAXI.” Turn lhe Temoeralure conlrol knob IO
‘500” ~ Press Slarf bunon The oven lndlcator
ltghl should be on Both lhe Inner and outer
upper elemenls should glow red. and lhe
coolhg fan may turn on The oven should be
Turn Ihe Selector and Temperalure
control knobs lo “OFF ” Push I” on
Ihe Temperature and Seleclor control knobs
The knobs WIII relracl. llush wtlh Ihe oven
TO get the most efficient use
from your new oven, read your
KitchenAid Use & Care Guide. Keep
installation Instructions and Guide
close to oven for easy reference.
to steps.
Panel C