KitchenAid KSPS22Q Refrigerator User Manual

Removing the ice maker storage bin
The ice maker storage binholds up to
8.5pounds (3.8kg) of Ice.Remove unused
Ice perlodicallyto reduce the potentialfor
off-tasteor odor bulld-upInIce.
IMPORTANT: The firstfew batches of Ice from
the Ice maker may have an off-taste.ThlsIs
from new plumbing and parts.Throw the first
few batches of Ice away and make a new
To remove storage bln:
Remove the storage blnto supply large
quanfitiesofIce or forcleanlng.
I. Pullthe coverlng panel out from the
bottom and slldeItto the rear.
2. Uttthe Ice maker signalarm untilyou feel
ItclickIntothe OFF poslflon.Icecan stillbe
dispensed when the freezerdoor Isclosed,
but no more can be made.
3. Uftthe frontof the storage bln and pullIt
4. Empty the bln.Use hot orwarm water to
melt the ice Ifnecessary.Never use
anythlng sharp to break up the Ice Inthe
bin.ThIscan damage the bin and
5. Wash wlth mllddetergent, l_nseand dry
well.Do not use harshor abrasivecleaners
or solvents.
To replace storage bln:
I. Make sure bin Is pushed in all the way.
2. Push the Ice maker slgnal arm down to the
ON position to restart ice production.
3. Lower covering panel.