KitchenAid KSPS22Q Refrigerator User Manual

Using the cold water and ice dispensers
PersonalInjury Hazard
Tumbling Ice and pressure can break a
ffaglle glass. Usea sturdyglasswhen
dispensing ice or water.
Failureto do so could resultin personal
Injuryor breakage.
The ice dispenser
Ice dispensesfrom the Ice maker storage bin
in the freezer. When the dispenserbar is
pressed, a trapdoor opens In a chute
between the dispenser and the Ice bin. Ice
moves from the bin and falls through the
chute. When the dispenser bar is released, a
buzzing sound may be heard for a few
Your refrigerator dispensesboth culoed
and crushed Ice. Before dispensingice,
select which type of ice you prefer. For
cubed Ice, move Ice Selector Switchleft to
the cubed position. Forcrushed Ice, move
Ice Selector Switch right to the crushed
To dlspense Ice:
I. Move Ice Selector Switch to desired
2. Pressa sturdy glass agalnst the Ice
dispenser bar. Hold glassclose to
dispenser opening so Ice does not fall
outside of glass.
3. Remove the glassto stop dlspensing.