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Table A2.1 Port/memory address map
Fnet module(G0L-FUEA) Mnet module(G0L-MUEA)
I/O Address Memory Base I/O Address Memory Base
0 3EO FC00 3E0 FC00
1 3CO F800 3C0 F800
2 3AO F400 3A0 F400
3 380 F000 380 F000
4 360 EC00 360 EC00
5 340* E800 340* E800
6 320 E400 320 E400
7 300 E000 300 E000
8 2EO DC00 2E0 DC00
9 2CO D800 2C0 D800
A 2AO D400 2A0 D400
B 280 D000 280 D000
C 260 CC00 260 CC00
D 240 C800* 240 C800*
E 220 C400 220 C400
F 200 C000 200 C000
*When factory default, I/O
address is set to No.5(340),
and memory base is set to
1. When I/O address and memory address overlap with an area used in other driver, PC will down. So set
it in order not to overlap.
2. It is recommended that memory address is used within C800-DBFF address.
3. To use computer memory not as extended or expanded area but as this module's area, set to
DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=C800-DBFF(when setting address to No.D, C800) in
A2 Communication module setting in the Fnet PC