Use this Cooking Guide to learn how to get the best results [rornyour Maytag AccellisT. 2X Range. You'll find easy-to-unc
how-to's for the SpeedOptions, plus delicious,step-by-steprecipes.No need to purchasenew cookwareor discardyour
recipes.This guide wilJhelpyou cook new and old recipeswith confidence.
_-_- MainDish,SideDish,Pizza Thisoption usesa slightly Whenusinga SpeedOption,thereisNO NEEDTO PRE
higher amountof microwaveenergy with conventionalradiant OVENorSETAN OVENTEMPERATURE.Followtheseea:
heat to cooksuchfoodsas meats,poultry,fish, casseroles,veg-
etables,pizza(regularandself-rise),andfrozenconveniencefoods. _ SELECTtheappropriate rack position(seepage
foodinovenand shutdoor.
BakedGoods,EggDishes Thisoptionusesslightlylower _ PRESSthedesiredSpeedOptionpod.
amountsof microwaveenergy along with conventionalradiant
heatto gentlycookdelicatefoods suchasegg- and cheese-based _ SETtheconventionalbaketime (orwhat the recip,
dishesand bakedgoods, in minutesusingthenumberpads,thenpressthe,
pad. AUTOSETwill automaticallycut thetime in
Defrost This option uses only microwave energy to example,press[6] [0] for a 1-hour cook time,
quicklydefrostlargeor smallamountsof food. TheDefrostoption [AUTOSET].Theovenwill setitselffor 30 minute
givesyou a distinctadvantageover a regular microwavewhen If the speed bake time is known (half of the cc
defrostingfoods.It allowsyou to safelyand quicklydefrostlarge baketime),you may enterthattime. However,&
items-- eventheholidayturkey, theAUTOSETpad. Thetimeenteredwill notbe.
_°_ _ AFTERthree-fourthsof the time has elapsed,th_
_ FrozenDinners Thisoptionisspeciallydesignedto use
microwaveenergy for cookingprepared frozenmealspackaged beepand display"CHECKFOOD." Youmaych_
in heatproof paper and plastic containers with just enough doneness,or ignoreit and the ovenwill continue
conventionalradiant heatadded for the browning your normal _ AT the end of the set cooking time, the displ{
microwavecan't provide. "ENTERMORETIMEIFNEEDED."If additionalo
AUTO isneeded,pressthe numberpadsto add actual
SEX Auto Set This control feature allows you to enter the cooking.(Theovenwill notcutthisadditionaltim_
cookingtimecalledfor in a conventionalrecipe.Pressingthispad general,only 2 to 5 minutesofadditionaltimeis r
will automatically cut the conventional cook time in half for maximumtimethatcan be addedis 10 minutes.
speedcooking. _ WHENthefood is done,pressCANCELto turnt
[If youaccidentallypressCANCELbutwanttocc
a littlelonger,you mustresettheSpeedOption,