Melissa 643-193 Kitchen Grill User Manual

• Appliancesarenotintededtobeoperated
by means of an external timer or separate
remote-control system.
ed, you must ensure that any packaging inside
the appliance itself is also removed.
damp cloth before using it for the first time (see
amount of butter, margarine or cooking oil.
• Placethesandwichtoasteronahard,flat
• Placethepluginthesocket.Theredindicator
light (2) and the green indicator light (1) light
up, and the hotplates (6, 7) begin to heat up.
• Whenthegreenindicatorlight(1)goesout,
the sandwich toaster has reached the correct
1-2 sandwiches on the bottom hotplate (7).
• Closetheuppersection(5)sothatitrestson
top of the food. Lock the handle by clipping
the lock (4) on the top section to the bottom
section of the handle.
• Ifthesandwichisverythick,youmustnottry
to press the hotplates together completely so
they can be closed with the lock. Wait a mo-
ment until the sandwich has got a little thinner,
and now lock the handles together.
• Bothhotplates(6,7)onthesandwichtoaster
are heated, which reduces the cooking time.
• Duringcooking,thegreenindicatorlightwill
come on and go off several times. This merely
means that the thermostat is coming on and
going off from time to time.
• Thesandwichisreadyafterapproximately3-4
minutes, depending on its thickness and filling.
If you want the bread to be more golden, you
should toast the sandwich a little longer.
• Youcanswitchoffthesandwichtoasteratany
time by removing the cord from the socket.
• Oncethesandwichisready,youshouldopen
the sandwich toaster carefully.
• Warning!Themetalpartswillgetveryhotdu-
of spitting oil, fat or other liquids.
• Carefullyreleasethesandwichusingaheat-
resistant plastic spatula or similar. You must
not use metal utensils or utensils with a sharp
edge on the hotplates, as these have a special
non-stick coating. Instead use plastic, mela-
mine or wooden utensils.
• Alwayscloseandunplugthesandwichtoaster
once the food is ready.
• Beforecleaningandstoringthesandwich
toaster, make sure it has cooled completely.
(for toasted sandwiches)
• VesuvioMustard(tomato,cheese,ham,mu-
stard and raw onion, as required)
• Salami(salami,friedonion,cheese,olives)
• Carni(friedmince,rawonion,pickledgherkins,
tomato, cheese)
• Vegetario(stewedapple,bananaslices,
sprinkle with cinnamon)
• HawaiiChicken(chicken,pineapple,pepper,
• Capriciosa(mushroomsinwhitesauce,
cheese, tomatoes, oregano)
• HotTuna(tuna,slicedhard-boiledeggs,
tomato, mayonnaise)
• Alwaysfollowthesafetymeasures.
• Removetheplugfromthesocket.
• Allowthesandwichtoastertocoolcompletely
before cleaning it.
• Useapieceofkitchenrolloradampclothto
wipe the hotplates. If necessary, use a damp
sponge for cleaning.
• Ifanyfoodresiduesremainonthehotplates,
these can be loosened using a small amount
of cooking oil. Leave the oil for 5 minutes, and
then wipe the hotplates with a piece of kitchen
• Youmustnotusescouringpowderorany
form of strong solvent or abrasive cleaning
• Youmustnotusesteelbrushesorothermetal
• Theelectricalpartsmustnotcomeintocon-
tact with water.
• Thesandwichtoastermustnotbesubmerged
in any form of liquid.