Vitamin-C-content of broccoli (mg/100 g)
raw boiled cooked in steam oven
Vitamin-C-content of peppers (mg/100 g)
raw boiled cooked in steam oven
Mineral and trace elements in pepper (mg/100 g)
raw boiled cooked in steam oven
Sensory results for vegetables
boiled cooked in steam oven
Sensory results for fish
boiled cooked in steam oven
Broccoli from the steam oven contains 50%
more vitamin C than boiled broccoli.
Steamed peppers have over 25% more
vitamin C than boiled peppers.
Red pepper from the steam oven contains
as many minerals as raw pepper. By
comparison, boiled pepper has approx.
45% less nutrients than raw pepper.
In laboratory tests, four criteria were tested
which define the quality of enjoyment,
according to a scientific points system:
appearance, taste, aroma and texture. The
unequivocal result: Steam cooking is both
the tastiest and the most healthy method of
cooking vegetables, irrespective of
whether produce is fresh or frozen before
Enveloped in steam and gently cooked,
fish retains its texture and typical flavour.
The above chart shows clearly that steam
cooking proves to be far superior in terms
of sensory properties.
More vitamins! More minerals!
More flavour!