This type of cooking is ideal for cooking
beef, pork, veal or lamb when a tender
result is required.
First sear the meat all over at a high
temperature on the hob in order to seal
Then cook the meat in the oven at a low
temperature over a long period. The
meat juices inside the joint will start to
circulate evenly throughout the meat to
reach the outer layers.
This gives very tender and succulent
Please note:
– Use lean meat which has been
correctly hung and trimmed. The
meat should be taken off the bone
before cooking.
– For searing use a suitable cooking oil
that can withstand high
Do not cover meat during cooking.
Cooking takes between 2-4 hours
depending on the size and amount
of meat and on the degree of
doneness and browning required.
Meat can be carved straight from the
oven. It does not need to rest.
Proceed as follows:
We recommend using the universal
tray with the rack on top.
Place the universal tray with the rack
on top in the oven at shelf level 2.
Select the Conventional heat
Pre-heat the oven, rack and universal
tray at 130 °C for approx. 15 minutes.
Whilst the oven is pre-heating, sear
the meat thoroughly on the hob.
Please refer to the chart on the next
page for cooking durations and core
temperatures if you are using a food
The top heating element/grill
element is hot. Danger of burning.
^ Place the meat on the rack.
^ Insert a food probe, if available, into
a fleshy part of the meat.
Reduce the temperature to 100 °C.
Cook the meat.
It is a good idea to programme the
duration; see "Operation - Entering a
cooking duration". The result will not be
affected if the meat is left in the oven for
a while after cooking has finished.
Notes on Slow cooking