Morphy Richards 47060 Coffeemaker User Manual

UUKK HHeellpplliinnee 00887700 006600 22661100 RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss 00887700 116677 66664411 IIrreellaanndd HHeellpplliinnee 11880000 440099111199
Frothing milk
It is advised to start heating your
milk ready for frothing when you
start making the coffee. This
helps to ensure the milk reaches
its optimum frothing
Fill the stainless steel jug with
the required amount of milk. Do
not exceed the maximum level.
Place the jug on the hot plate Î
N and push the frother hot
plate  ON/OFF switch to the
‘ON’ O position, the hot plate
indicator will light up.
Once the coffee is brewed (and
the auto keep warm indicator
lights up) the milk is ready to
Engage the frother system by
turning the frother control lever
P ‰ to the right, the motor will
start automatically and the milk
frother device ON indicator will
illuminate Ò.
Frothing should take between
30-60 seconds.
NOTE: Frothing time can vary
depending on the type of milk
used and its starting
temperature. We recommend to
use semi skimmed milk from the
Disengage the frother system
from the jug by turning the
frother control lever to the left Q
, the motor will stop
automatically. Push and release
the milk hot plate switch to turn
off the hot plate Â.
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TTaakkee ccaarree tthhee
mmiillkk wwiillll bbee vveerryy hhoott..
Remove the milk jug from the
hot plate and press the lid
release button Í to disengage
the lid. The lid assembly can be
removed for easy pouring and
spooning off the milk.
NOTE: The lid can be turned
upside down and rest on the
work surface. The inner lid is
shaped to collect any dripping
milk and froth for minimal mess.
Pour the coffee into the cups
and then gently pour or
preferably spoon the milk onto
the coffee.
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TThhee ssttaaiinnlleessss
sstteeeell jjuugg aanndd tthhee hhoottppllaattee
wwiillll rreemmaaiinn hhoott ffoorr
ssoommeettiimmee aafftteerr sswwiittcchhiinngg
tthhee mmaacchhiinnee ooffff..
NOTE: The milk frother jug and
lid can be disassembled for easy
It is recommended that you
disassemble and clean the milk
frother jug and its components
immediately after use, as dried
milk can be difficult to remove.
NOTE: All milk jug and coffee jug
components are dishwasher
safe for easy cleaning.
47060 rev2 25/6/07 12:37 Page 11