Morphy Richards 47060 Coffeemaker User Manual

UUKK HHeellpplliinnee 00887700 006600 22661144 RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss 00887700 115577 66664455 IIrreellaanndd HHeellpplliinnee 11880000 440099111199
TThheerrmmaall CCaarraaffee VVaarriiaanntt
Note: Thermal carafe versions
have no hot plate. Please ensure
the jug sits correctly on the base
Ensure the jug · lid is fully
closed by turning the lid
clockwise, this ensures the
maximum temperature is
maintained in the jug. To ensure
the coffee is kept as warm as
possible we advise you rinse
your thermal carafe in hot water
before use.
Please note the jug lid must be
in place during the brewing
process; otherwise the non-drip
valve will not open, causing the
filter to flood.
Select the required strength of
coffee using the strength
selector on the lid E.
Plug the filter coffee maker in at
the wall socket and switch on,
the water gauge Ê will
illuminate. Rotate the dial Ï to
select one of the two on
positions available:
/2carafe or a
full carafe,F depending on the
number of cups required. Refer
to ‘Cup selection function’ page
11 for further information.
The cup selection indicator
Ì/Ó and the brewing on
indicator Ô will light up. The hot
water will start to flow through
the coffee grounds and into the
jug as coffee for you to enjoy.
GGllaassss CCaarraaffee VVaarriiaanntt
When the brewing process is
complete the product will
automatically switch to keep
warm; the auto keep warm
indicator will light up.
The automatic keep warm
function will keep the coffee
warm in the carafe until the
product is switched off.
The anti-drip valve È will
prevent any remaining coffee
dripping onto the hot plate
during serving. Ensure that the
jug is replaced on the hot plate
after serving.
We suggest consuming your
coffee within two hours, after
this time we suggest brewing
another jug of fresh coffee.
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TThhee ccooffffeeee mmaakkeerr
aanndd hhoott ppllaatteess aarree hhoott aanndd
rreemmaaiinn hhoott ffoorr ssoommee ttiimmee
aafftteerr sswwiittcchhiinngg ooffff..
Remember to turn off the
machine when you have
Allow the unit to cool.
Remove the permanent filter and
empty the used coffee grounds.
Wash the filter immediately and
dry thoroughly.
TThheerrmmaall CCaarraaffee VVaarriiaannttss
When the brewing process is
complete the product remains
on, we recommend you switch
off your coffee maker as soon as
brewing is complete.
The thermal carafe · will keep
the coffee warm in the jug for up
to four hours.
The anti drip valve È will
prevent any remaining coffee
dripping onto the base recess
during serving.
We suggest consuming your
coffee within two hours, after
this time we suggest brewing
another jug of fresh coffee.
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TThhee ccooffffeeee mmaakkeerr
aanndd hhoott ppllaatteess aarree hhoott aanndd
rreemmaaiinn hhoott ffoorr ssoommee ttiimmee
aafftteerr sswwiittcchhiinngg ooffff..
Remember to turn off the
machine when you have
Allow the unit to cool.
Remove the permanent filter and
empty the used coffee grounds.
Wash the filter immediately and
dry thoroughly.
UUKK HHeellpplliinnee 00887700 006600 22661100 RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss 00887700 116677 66664411 IIrreellaanndd HHeellpplliinnee 11880000 440099111199
47060 rev2 25/6/07 12:37 Page 7