Morphy Richards 48720 Slow Cooker User Manual

Sausage Pot
2.5 litres 4.5 litres
Oil 2 tbsp 3 tbsp
Sausage 750g 1.5kg
Onions, finely chopped
1 large 2 large
Carrots, thinly sliced 3 4
Leek, sliced 2 2
Flour 3 tbsp 5 tbsp
Beef stock 400ml 1 litre
Chutney 3 tbsp 5 tbsp
Worcestershire sauce 2 tbsp 3 tbsp
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
In a pan, quickly brown the sausages
on all sides in the oil. Add the onions,
carrots and leeks and gently saute
until softened, but not browned. Stir
in the flour and cook on a low heat
until the oil is absorbed. Slowly add
the stock, and bring to the boil,
stirring continuously until thickened.
Stir in the chutney, worcestershire
sauce and seasoning. Transfer all
ingredients to the ceramic pot and
place into the slow cooker base.
Cover with the lid and cook for
approximately 5-8 hours. If the
sausages contain a lot of fat, any
excess can be removed from the
surface of the finished dish with
kitchen paper.
Vegetarian curry
2.5 litres 4.5 litres
Cooking oil 3 tbsp 5 tbsp
Onions, chopped 2 large 4 large
Cloves garlic, crushed
1 2
Curry powder 3 tsp 5 tsp
Lentils 275g 600g
White stock 200ml 2 litre
Lemon juice 2 tsp 3 tsp
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Carrots, diced 3 4
Apple, peeled, cored and chopped
2 2
Sultanas 50g 125g
Heat the oil in a pan. Saute the
onion, carrots and garlic lightly. Add
the curry powder. Cook gently for
one minute. Stir in the stock, lemon
juice, salt, pepper and lentils. Bring
to the boil and continue to boil for 3
minutes. Transfer all ingredients to the
ceramic pot and place into the slow
cooker base. Stir in the apples and
sultanas. Place the lid on the slow
cooker. Cook for approximately 5-8
hours. Ensure that the vegetables are
immersed during cooking.
FFoorr ddeettaaiillss ooff ootthheerr MMoorrpphhyy RRiicchhaarrddss pprroodduuccttss,, pplleeaassee sseeee oouurr wweebbssiittee::
48720 Rev2 15/8/08 10:31 Page 17