Morphy Richards 48720 Slow Cooker User Manual

Vegetable soup
2.5 litres 4.5 litres
Butter 30g 60g
Mixed vegetables, e.g. potato, onion,
carrot, parsnips, celery, leek, tomato
1.25kg 2.2kg
Flour 30g 60g
Stock 1100ml 2 litres
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Mixed herbs 1tsp 2tsp
Peel, wash and cube or slice all the
vegetables. Melt butter in a pan and
gently fry the vegetables for 2-3
minutes. Add the hot stock. Stir well
and bring to the boil. Season to taste
and add mixed herbs. Transfer all
ingredients to the ceramic pot and
place the pot in the slow cooker
base. Cover with the lid and cook for
approximately 6-8 hours. Cool and
liquidise the soup and then reheat in
a pan on the hob. Thicken it with the
Chicken paprika
2.5 litres 4.5 litres
Chicken portions 4 8
Butter 30g 60g
Seasoned flour 50g 60g
Onions, chopped 3 large 4 large
Carrots, peeled and sliced
4 6
Green pepper, de-seeded and chopped
1 2
Paprika 1tsp 3tsp
Tomato puree 1tsp 3tsp
Chicken stock 500ml 1 litre
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Clean, wipe and dry chicken, coat in
seasoned flour. Using a pan, fry the
chicken in the butter until brown all
over. Add onions and carrots and fry
until soft. Add pepper, paprika,
tomato puree, and the remaining
flour, stir well. Gradually mix in the
chicken stock. Bring to the boil and
season. Transfer all ingredients to the
ceramic pot and place in the base
unit. Cover with the lid and cook for
approximately 4-7 hours.
FFoorr ddeettaaiillss ooff ootthheerr MMoorrpphhyy RRiicchhaarrddss pprroodduuccttss,, pplleeaassee sseeee oouurr wweebbssiittee::
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