Serves 8
300 g (11 oz) salmon fillet • 350 g (12 oz) cod fillet • 1 onion • 25 g (1 oz)
butter 1 tbsp vegetable oil • 50 ml (2 fl oz) dry white wine • 3 whole eggs •
150 ml (
/4 pt) crème fraîche • 3 tbsp tomato purée • salt and pepper •
cayenne pepper
Chop the onion in the bowl fitted with the metal blade on speed 2. Gently fry the
onion in the butter and oil until softened. Add the white wine and simmer rapidly until
the liquid is reduced and cooked away. Cut the fish into 3 cm (1 in) pieces, place in
the bowl with metal blade and chop up on speed 2 for 20 seconds. Add the eggs,
crème fraîche, tomato purée, onion, salt, pepper and a pinch of Cayenne pepper.
Process on
speed 1 for a few seconds then increase to speed 2 for 50 seconds.
Grease a rectangular terrine mould (24 cm x 9 cm). Pour in the mixture. Stand in a
roasting tin and pour in boiling water to come halfway up the sides. Cover with
buttered foil and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F (Fan oven 170°C), Gas
mark 4 for about 1 hour. Leave to cool before turning out. Serve cold in slices, with
a green salad accompanied by hot toast.
1 small garlic clove, peeled (optional) • 1 small onion, peeled and quartered
• 25 g (1 oz) butter or margarine • 100 g (4 oz) unsmoked streaky bacon
225 g (8 oz) lambs liver • 225 g (8 oz) lean pork • 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh
parsley • 2 tbsp double cream • 3 tbsp brandy or port (or half and half) •
/2 tsp dried mixed herbs • a pinch of ground allspice • salt and freshly
ground black pepper • 1 beaten egg
Use the metal blade. Process the garlic and onion using speed 2 for about 10
seconds until finely chopped. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the onions and
cook, without colouring, until softened. Add the alcohol and increase the heat,
allowing the liquor to reduce until almost dry. Leave to cool.
Trim and dice the liver. Cut the bacon and pork into 2.5 cm (1 in) pieces. Process the
bacon, liver and pork for 15 – 20 seconds on
speed 2 until chopped to your
preferred consistency. Remove the metal blade. Add the onions, parsley, cream,
mixed herbs, all spice, salt, pepper and, lastly, the beaten egg. Mix with a
wooden spoon.
Place the mixture in a 900 g (2 lb loaf tin) or terrine mould. Gently press the mixture
down and cover with buttered foil. Stand in a roasting tin and pour in boiling water
to come halfway up the sides. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F (Fan oven
170°C), Gas mark 4 for 1
/2 - 1
/4 hours. Top up with more boiling water, if
necessary. Leave to cool in the tin for 30 minutes. Cover with a piece of foil, then
place a weight on top of the cooked pâté and chill overnight in the refrigerator. Turn
out and serve cut in slices with crusty bread and a mixed salad.
Serves 6
1 kg (2
/4 lb) non-waxy old potatoes, small size • 100 g (4 oz) Gruyère cheese •
3 egg yolks • 284 ml carton single cream • 250 ml (9 fl oz) milk • pinch of
ground nutmeg • salt and pepper • 1 clove of garlic, peeled (optional) •
butter for greasing
Use the fine grating disc (A) and grate the cheese on speed 2. Set aside. Peel
the potatoes and trim to fit the feed feed tube. Use the coarse slicing disc (H)
and slice the potatoes on speed 1. Do not leave in water and use straight away.
Grease a shallow ovenproof dish with butter and rub with a garlic clove. Fill the dish
with potatoes. For a neater finish overlap the top layer of potatoes in rows. Clean
the bowl and fit the whisk. Add the egg yolks, cream, milk, nutmeg, salt and
pepper. Process on
speed 2 for 1 minute. Pour this mixture over the potatoes.
Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C/400°F (Fan oven 190°F), Gas mark 6 for 45 – 60
minutes. Cover with foil if the top browns too quickly. After 30 minutes cooking,
sprinkle over the grated cheese. The exact cooking time will vary according to the
type of potatoes, so test the potatoes by piercing with a knife. Serve immediately.
Try this: For a Celeriac and Potato Dauphinois, reduce the quantity of potatoes to
450 g (1 lb) and slice 1 large celeriac with disc H. Arrange the potatoes and celeriac
in layers, making sure the potatoes are on the top and bottom.
Serves 4-6
Serves 4 for lunch or 6 as a main course accompaniment.
1 kg (2
/4 lb) courgettes • 100 g (4oz) Gruyère cheese • 250 ml (9 fl oz)
double cream or crème fraiche • 3 eggs • salt and pepper • grated nutmeg
• butter for greasing
Wash the courgettes but do not peel. Use the coarse slicing disc (H) and cut the
courgettes on speed 1. Blanch in boiling, salted water for 5 min. Drain well and
place in buttered ovenproof dish. Use the fine grating disc (A) and grate the
cheese on speed 2. Set aside. Fit the wire whisk in the bowl and mix the eggs,
cream or crème fraiche, salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Process on speed 2
for 30 seconds. Remove the whisk and stir the grated cheese into the egg mixture.
Pour the mixture over the courgettes and make sure they are all covered. Bake in a
preheated oven at 230°C/450°F (Fan oven 220°C), Gas mark 8 for about 15
minutes. If the top browns too quickly cover with foil. Ideal served on its own for a
light lunch or to accompany a main course.