W415-0156 / A / 04.09.03
Build your fire on the floor of the firebox and be-
hind the log retainer only.
Do not block or restrict the hot air outlets or air
inlets. This will cause the fireplace to overheat.
Keep fires away from the door .
1. Build a hot fire.
2. Use only dry wood
3. Several pieces of medium sized wood are better
than a few big pieces.
4. Clean the chimney regularly.
5. Refuel frequently using medium sized wood.
6. "Fine Tune" the air settings for optimum perform
1. Take ash out immediately. Let it accumulate to a
depth of at least one inch. A good ash layer pro
vides for a longer lasting and better burning fire.
2. Burn wet wood.
3. Close the door too soon or damper down too
4. Burn one large log rather than two or three
smaller, more reasonably sized logs.
5. Burn at continually 'low setting', if the glass door
is constantly blackened. This means the firebox
temperature is too low.
Expansion / contraction noises during heating up and cool-
ing down cycles are normal and to be be expected. When
first lighting a fire, if the smoke is not quickly drawn into the
chimney, there may be a downdraft or cold air in the chim-
ney. Roll up some newspaper, light it and place it near the
fireplace flue until the chimney begins to draw. During a
firing, open the draft control before opening the fireplace
door. Open the door slowly to avoid drawing smoke into the
A properly installed Napoleon fireplace should not smoke.
If yours does, check the following: Has the chimney had
time to get hot? Is the smoke passage blocked anywhere
in the fireplace or chimney? Is the room too airtight and the
air intake not connected to the outside? Check with a win-
dow partly open. Is the smoke flow impeded by too long a
horizontal pipe or too many bends? Is it a weak draft per-
haps caused by a leaky chimney, a cold outside chimney,
too short a chimney, or a chimney too close to trees or a
higher roof?
Check your chimney for creosote and soot build-up monthly
until a safe frequency for cleaning is established. If accu-
mulation is excessive, clean the chimney. You may want to
call a professional chimney sweep to clean it. Both the
chimney and the fireplace have to be cleaned at least once
a year or as often as necessary. See the Section on Creo-
sote Formation and Removal.