Pitco Frialator SELV14 Fryer User Manual

16 L20-406 Rev 5 (3/14)
4.1 ToturntheapplianceON:
If power is applied to the appliance, the displays will show [OFF]. Press the [I/O] key.
Displays will show one of the normal displays: [HEATING]; [MELTING] [SOLID]/[LIQUID];
or [READY]. Some messages may show in both left and right displays. Wait for the
appliance to heat up to the [READY] condition before cooking.
4.2 ToturntheapplianceOFF:
Press the [I/O] key. Display will momentarily show the software version number and then
[OFF][OFF]. Use the Left [I/O] key for left side and Right [I/O] key for the right of dual vat
control 60126802. Either key may be used on the single vat controller.
4.3 Tostartacook:
When displays are showing [READY] the appliance has reached set temperature and is
ready to cook. Press the desired product key, and place product into the vat. The indicator
above the product key will flash to indicate the cook timer is running. In the example above,
product 4 is cooking with 2 minutes and 28 seconds remaining. The right side display has
no running cook timers, and shows [READY].
Multiple cooks may run together. While cooks are running, the displays will always show the cook with the
least time remaining. Longer running cooks will flash their indicators at a slower rate. Cook time remaining
on these keys may be checked by momentarily pressing the product key.
4.4 Tocancelacook:
Press and hold the product key to cancel a running cook. If no other cooks are pending, controller displays
will return to [READY].
4.5 ToviewActualandSettemperatures:
To view the actual vat temperature, press the thermometer key. The display will show
[ACT nnnF] or [ACT nnnC], where nnn is the current vat temperature. After a few
moments, the display will return to [READY], [MELT ], or [HEATING] when no cooks are
running, or, [CKn mm:ss] for any cooks still running.
To view the set temperature, press the thermometer key twice. The display will show
[SET nnnF] or [SET nnnC], where nnn is the current set temperature. After a few
moments, the display will return to [READY], [MELT ], or [HEATING] , or, [CKn
mm:ss] for a cook still running.