Pitco Frialator SELV14 Fryer User Manual

33 L20-406 Rev 5 (3/14)
Problem Probable Causes Corrective Actions
Drain valve is not fully open
Press down on the drain valve handle and verify
that it is fully open.
Drain is plugged with debris.
Use the clean out rod to clear the drain valve
opening. If this doesn't clear the blockage, close
the drain valve and contact a qualified service
Red return valve handle is not
completely open.
Pull on the red return valve handle to make sure
it is completely open.
Filter circuit breaker is tripped
or in the off position.
Reset the circuit breaker or press it to the on
Filter motor thermal overload
is tripped.
Push the red reset button on the end of the filter
pump motor.
Filter power cord is unplugged
or loose.
Check the power cord at the rear of the fryer
entrance box, and at the rear of the pump box
and verify that the power cords are pushed all the
way into their receptacles.
Loose or defective sensor
Contact Authorized Service Company.
Dirty filter envelope Change filter envelope.
Pickup tube screen clogged. Remove and clean pickup tube screen cap.
Filter pan not pushed in
Push filter pan in.
O-rings not sealing on pickup
Check and replace o-rings as needed.
Pickup tube screen not tight. Tighten pickup tube screen cap.
Pickup tube screen cap
Locate and install pickup tube screen cap.
Filter pan not pushed in
Push filter pan in to complete connection.
Filter envelope torn or
Change filter envelope.
Low shortening temperature
Cloudiness should disappear when oil/shortening
is heated.
Blue drain valve handle not
completely closed
Verify that drain valve handle is completely
Improperly adjusted or
defective drain switch.
Contact Authorized Service Company.
Oil/shortening is returning
to the tank slowly or not at
Excessive air bubbles are
in the oil being returned to
the tank.
Drain valve is closed, but
the computer controller
still displays “DRAINING”
Drain Valve is open; the
oil is draining slowly or not
at all.
Pump return handle is
pulled out, but no pumping
sound can be heard.
Oil/Shortening is cloudy
when returned to fry tank.