High-Speed Contact Griller
TX Series
355 East Kehoe Blvd. l Carol Stream, IL 60188
Tel: (630) 462-8800
l Fax: (630) 462-1460
Toll Free: 1-800-PCASTLE
Printed in 2000
Prince Castle Inc.
Installation / Set-Up ..................................................... 2
Overlay Glossary .......................................................... 2
Operation & Programming ........................................ 2-3
Maintenance ................................................................. 4
Cleaning ........................................................................ 4
Diagnostic Troubleshooting ......................................... 5
Troubleshooting ............................................................ 5
Exploded View & Parts List ..................................... 6-7
Wiring Diagram ............................................................. 8
208 Volt 60 Hz. Single Phase
19.2 Amps 4000 Watts Max.
240 Volt 60 Hz. Single Phase
22.2 Amps 5325 Watts Max.
This product is warranted to be free from defects in
material and/or workmanship for a period of two (2)
years from date of original installation, not to ex-
ceed 30 months from date of shipment from our
factory. On location service will be covered for
a period of (1) one year from date of original
installation. Customer must provide proof of
purchase. (Travel charges are limited to 2 hours
travel time, 100 miles round trip. One trip per
repair) After one year the customer is responsible
for all trip charges, mileage, etc.
Any component which proves to be faulty in material
and/or workmanship will be replaced or repaired (at
the option of Prince Castle, Inc.) without cost to the
customer for parts or labor.
This warranty is subject to the following exceptions/
l Any use of non genuine Prince Castle spare
parts voids this warranty. All service should be
performed by an Authorized Prince Castle Sevice
Agency, failure to do so will void this warranty.
l Damage caused by carelessness, neglect, and/
or abuse (e.g., dropping, tampering or altering
parts), equipment damaged in shipment, by fire,
flood or an act of God is not covered under this