Attaching cables
Required materials:
A four-conductor power-supply cable
A fifty-conductor, nonshielded interface cable with a 50-pin, fe-
male connector attached for each SCSI device that is to be
connected to the SCSI bus. The maximum cable length for
asynchronous operation is 19.5 feet (6 meters). The maximum
cable length for synchronous operation is 9.75 feet (3 meters).
Figure 1 on page 6 shows connector and jumper block locations.
1. Turn off the system power and put on a grounded wrist
strap before proceeding.
2. Attach the 50-pin SCSI interface cable. Pin 1 on the drive
must align with pin 1 of the other SCSI devices attached to the
bus. Use the edge-stripe on the cable to denote pin 1. Pin 1
on the drive is located next to the four-pin power connector.
2. Connecting a remote LED. (Optional) Connect a remote LED
to pins 9 and 10 of jumper block J8. Pin 9 is ground.
3. Attach an available power cable to the drive.
10 Medalist 1080sl SCSI Installation Guide, August 1995