
Before You Call for Service
Savetimeand money CheckthisIistof causesof minoroperating
problemsyou can correct yourself
Refrigerator doesnot operate
May be indefrostcycMwhen motordoesnotoperatefor about
30 minutes
.,Temperaturecontrol inOFFposition
"If interiorlightisnoton,refrigeratormay not beplugged in at
waif oullet
If plug issecureand refrigeratorfailsto operate,plug [ampinto
sameoutletto determineifthereistripped circuitbreakeror
burnedout [use
Motor operates for long periods
Modern refrigeratorswith morestoragespaceand a larger
freezerrequiremore operating time
Normal when refrigeratorisfirst deliveredIo your home- usuaIly
requires24 hoursto completelycool down
Largeamountsof food placed in refrigeratorto be cooled or
Hotweather-frequent door openings
Door leftopen
Temperaturecontrolssettoo cold
. Condenserneedscleaning
Operating sounds
• Thehighspeed compressormotorrequiredto maintainnearzero
temperaturesin lhe large freezercompartmentmayproduce
highersoundlevelsthan yourold refrigerator
, Normal fan air flow-one FanBlowscold air lhroughlhe
refrigeratorand freezercompartments-anotherfan coolsthe
TheseNORMAL soundswilf atsobe heardfromtimetotime:
Defrosttimerswitchclicksat defrost
Temperaturecontrol clicksON or OFF
Refrigerantboiling or gurg!ing
Cracking or popping of cooling coilscausedby expansionand
...... t
contractionduring defrostand refrigerationfollowing defros
• Ice cubesdropping intothe binand water runningin pipesas
Motor starts & stops frequently
• Temperaturecontrolstartsand stopsmotortomaintaineven
Door notclosing properly
Door gasketon hingesidestickingor folding over Tocorrect,put
o smallamountofpelroleumjellyon face of gasket
Vibration or rattling
ff refrigeratorvibrates,morethan likely it is notrestingsolidlyon
lhefloor The frontrollerscrewsneedadjusting,or floor isweak or
uneven Referto StarlingYourRefrigeratorsection
If dishesvibrate on shelves,try movingthem Slightvibration is
Foodsdry out
Foodsnot covered,wrapped orsealed properly
Freshfood or freezer compartment temperature
too warm
• Temperaturecontrolnot setcold enough
• Warm wealher-frequent door openings
Door leftopen for long time
Packagemaybe holdingdoor open
Frostor icecrystals on frozen food
Door may havebeenleft ajar or package holdingdoor open
Too frequentor too longdoor openings
Frostwithin package isnormal
Slow icecubefreezing
• Door mayhave beenleftajar
• Settemperatureoffreezercompartmentcolder
Ice cubes have odor/taste
Old cubesneedto be discarded Emptyice bin every 30 days
• Ice storagebinneedsto be washed
• Unsealedpackagesin refrigeratorand!or freezercompartments
may be Iransmillingodor!taste to ice cubes
Interiorof refrigeratorneedscleaning
Automatic icemaker doesnotwork
Icemakerfeelerarm inSTOP(up) position
'Watersupplyturned offor not connected
• Freezercompartmenttoowarm
Cubes1oosmall-water shutoffvalve connecting
refrigeratorto homewater line maybe clogged
• Sometimescubesfuseto the sideof theice moldand hold the
Meier armin theSTOP(up)posilion Removethisiceto restartIhe
Piledup cubesinstorage bin maycauseicemakerto shut
off prematurely With icemakerfeeler arm in STOP(up)
position,level cubesin binby hand
When levelingcubesby hand,you mayhave pushedthefeeler
armintotheSTOP(up)positionby mistake