SEAS 60 A1
Scissor edge
Open the scissors out and, with your right hand, draw the fi rst 1)
blade of the scissors, from the grip to the blade tip, through the
grinder opening 3 and towards yourself (see fold-out page).
Proceed the same way with the other blade of the scissors.2)
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the desired sharpness has been 3)
Flat-head screwdriver
Appropriate to its width, insert the screwdriver into one of the two 1)
grinder openings 2 on the front of the appliance (see fold/out
page). Apply only a light pressure.
Pull out the screwdriver out and rotate it through 180° on its longi-2)
tudinal axis. Reinsert it into the appropriate grinder opening 2 and
apply a light pressure. The end face of the screwdriver will now be
ground level and fl at.
Check the result. If necessary, repeat steps 1 and 2.3)