Espresso Machine
You can also use the milk frother ► z to heat up other liquids, such as cocoa
or tea.
Absolutely clean the milk frother ► z af
ter every use. Refer to the chapter
"Cleaning and Care".
Tips for the milk froth
In principle, any type of milk can be frothed, including soy and rice milk. ■
However, some types of milk can only be frothed with limitations.
Skimmed or low-fat milk does not burn as easily as whole milk, but with a too ■
low fat content there is a risk that the milk froth will not be good. Therefore, if
possible use a milk with 3.5% or 1.5% fat content.
ell chilled milk can be frothed better than less cold. ■
Do not froth milk up a second time, otherwise it could burn on. ■
Allow frothed milk to stand for about 30 seconds before you pour it onto the ■
espresso. Thus, larger bubbles burst and still fl uid milk falls to the bottom. You
can then pour the fi
ne froth onto the espresso.