Cooking with the Grill
Tables and suggestions – Microwave + Grill
The microwave + grill function is ideal for cooking
quickly and, at the same time, browning foods.
Furthermore, you can also grill and cook cheese
covered food.
The microwave and the grill work simultaneously.
The microwave cooks and the grill toasts.
Food Quantity (g) Dish
Time (min.)
time (min.)
Cheese topped pasta 500 Low dish 400 12-17 3-5
Cheese topped potatoes
Low dish
600 20-22 3-5
Lasagne approx. 800
Low dish
600 15-20 3-5
Grilled cream cheese approx. 500
Low dish
400 18-20 3-5
2 fresh chicken legs
200 each
Low dish
400 10-15 3-5
Chicken approx. 1000 Low and wide dish 400 35-40 3-5
Cheese topped onion
2 x 200 g cups Soup bowls 400 2-4 3-5
Before using a dish in the microwave oven make
sure that it is suitable for microwave use. Only use
dishes or containers that are suitable for
microwave use.
The dish to be used in the combined function
must be suitable for microwave and grill use. See
the section on types of ovenware!
Keep in mind that the figures given are merely
indicative and can vary as a function of the initial
state, temperature, moisture and type of food.
If the time is not enough to brown the food well,
put it under the grill for another 5 or 10 minutes.
Please follow the standing times and don’t forget
to turn the meat pieces.
Unless indicated to the contrary, use the turntable
plate for cooking.
The values given in the tables are valid when the
oven cavity is cold (it is not necessary to pre-heat
the oven).