C, CM and CJ Oven Error Code Messages…continued
Note 2 Oven sensor should measure 1050
ohms at 75 degrees F. If the sensor
measures correctly (within 10%)
check each leg of the sensor to
ground and to each phase of the
electrical supply. If all checks OK,
check the contacts inside the molex
plug. If the spring contacts are bent
or crushed, the sensor will create
intermittent errors.
Note 3 The touch panel assembly uses
electronic keys and a
microprocessor to signal functions.
The program is set to scan the
electronic touch pads constantly,
and if this process is interrupted the
microprocessor will turn all of the
keys on electronically. If these
errors are noted, please turn off the
power to the oven, check all of the
harnesses on the touch panel and
reset the power. This will usually
clear the errors.