Thank You for purchasing this Toastmaster appliance.
Featuring superior technology and craftsmanship, the Global Design Collection is an
exceptional line of kitchen appliances. The deep fryer’s state-of-the art design is matched
only by its excellent performance. Enjoy!
1. Read all sections of the booklet carefully. Become familiar with this appliance
and its parts (see figure 1).
2 . Be sure to fill out the wa r r anty service info rmation on the back of this manu a l .
3 . Clean the fryer basket and non-stick reservoir (see CARE AND CLEANING).
N OT E : When emptying the cold oil from the deep frye r, the unit is easier to handle
without the lid assembl y. We suggest that you become familiar with removing the
lid assembly before your first use.
1. Place fryer on large secure surfa c e.
2 . Pull the cord from the cord storage compartment to the desired length.
3 . Press OPEN button to open lid. The lid will open automatically.
4 . R e m ove the fryer basket by sliding the retra c t a ble handle of the fryer baske t
u p. Pull handle down away from frye r; the fryer basket will raise during this
a c t i o n . Slide handle lock toward deep fryer to lock handle into place (see
figure 2).
5 . Lift the fryer basket out of the frye r.
6 . Fill reservoir with ve g e t a ble oil. Use the MIN (8 cups) and MAX (10 cups) fill
indicator lines in reservo i r. N ever add oil once the unit has been plugged in
and allowed to heat up.
7 . Close lid until it latches into place. Slide adjustable thermostat control to
l o we s t setting (320°F). Plug into 120 V ~ 60 Hz outlet.
8 . Push in the ON/OFF button to turn the unit on.The red power light will come
o n .
9 . Slide the thermostat to the appropriate setting. A l l ow the fryer to preheat fo r
15 minutes for the initial use each time. The green light will come on when the
desired temperature has been reached. For repeat cycles, wait until the gr e e n
ready light comes on before putting more food into the frye r.
1 0 . Fill fryer basket with food, never filling more than 1/2 full. When fryer basket is
l owered into hot oil, all food should be immersed.
1 1 . Carefully open lid of fryer by pressing the OPEN button . Place fryer baske t
securely onto fryer by placing the tab under the fryer basket handle into the
opening on the rim of the fryer (see figure 3). Carefully close lid. U n l o ck the
handle by sliding the handle lock away from the baske t . S l owly lower the
b a s ke t into the oil by letting the handle rise to a ve rtical position. Slide handle
d own into original position.
1 2 . At the end of the desired cooking time, remove the fryer basket from the hot
oil by sliding the retra c t a ble handle of the fryer basket up. Pull handle dow n
away from frye r ; the fryer basket will raise during this action. Slide handle lock
t oward deep fryer to lock handle into place (see figure 2). A l l ow oil to dra i n
from food for 30 seconds. Carefully open lid by pressing OPEN button and lift
b a s ket out. Empty food on to a plate covered with an absorbent paper towe l .
1 3 . Carefully close lid and allow fryer to re-heat.When green ready light comes on,