Viking M0905VR Range User Manual

SSoollvviinngg BBaakkiinngg PPrroobblleemmss
Baking problems can occur for many reasons. Check the chart for the
causes and remedies for the most common problems. It is important
to remember that the temperature setting and cooking times you are
accustomed to using with your previous oven may vary slightly from
those required with this oven. If you find this to be true, it is necessary
for you to adjust your recipes and cooking times accordingly.
Food browns Improper heating Preheat until oven
unevenly indicator light goes out.
Aluminum foil on rack Remove foil.
or oven bottom
Baking utensils too large Use correct size utensil.
for the recipe or oven.
Several utensils crowded Leave at least 1 1/2”
together (3.8 cm) or more space
between all utensils and
oven walls.
Food too brown Baking utensil too large Use correct utensil
on bottom Baking utensil dark or glass Lower oven temperature
F (-3.8
C) for this type
of utensil.
Food dries Oven temperature too high Lower oven temperature
before Oven door opened too Check food at minimum
browning frequently time.
Cookies too Pans too deep Use a cookie sheet (not a
brown on baking pan).
bottom Dark cookie sheet Use light, shiny cookie
Oven temperature too high Lower oven temperature
Cookies too Hot cookie sheet Allow cookie sheet to
flat cool between batches.
Cake too brown Oven temperature too high Lower temperature;
on bottom or if using glass pan, lower
crust forms on 25
F (-3.8
Cakes burns on Oven too hot Reduce temperature.
sides or not Wrong pan size Use recommended pan
done in center size; fill pan no more
than 2/3 full.
CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall BBaakkiinngg CChhaarrtt
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PPaann TTeemmppeerraattuurree TTiimmee TTiimmee
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Yeast Loaf Loaf Pan 375 191 30-35 25-35
Yeast Rolls Cookie Sheet 400 204 12-15 11-13
Biscuits Cookie Sheet 400 204 8-10 7-9
Nut Breads Loaf Pan 375 191 30-35 20-25
Cornbread 8”x8” (20x20 cm) 400 204 25-30 15-20
Corn Muffins Muffin Tin 375 191 15-20 10-12
Fruit Muffins Muffin Tin 475 191 15-20 12-15
Angelfood Tube Pan 375 191 35-45 30-35
Bundt Tube Pan 350 177 45-50 35-40
Cupcakes Muffin tin 350 177 16-20 15-17
Layer, Sheet 13”x9” (23x33 cm) 350 177 40-50 30-35
Layer, Two 9” (23 cm) round 350 177 30-35 25-30
Pound Loaf Pan 350 177 60-65 45-50
Brownies 13”x9” (23x33 cm) 350 177 25-30 20-25
Choc. Chip Cookie Sheet 350 177 12-15 9-10
Sugar Cookies Cookie Sheet 350 177 10-12 7-10
Pie Crust 9” (23 cm) round 425 218 10-12 7-9
Two Crust, Fruit 9” (23 cm) round 375 191 55-60 50-55
Pumpkin Pie 9” (23 cm) round 375 191 40-45 35-40
Custard 6 - 4 oz cups 350 177 35-40 Not Rec.
Cream Puffs Cookie Sheet 400 204 30-35 25-27
Baked Potatoes (4) 8 oz (227 gm) 375 191 60-75 50-55
Lasagna 9”x5” (23x13 cm) 375 191 55-60 45-50
Cheese Souffle 1 qt. (.95 L) 350 177 45-50 35-40
Stuffed Peppers 13”x9” (23x33 cm) 375 191 60-70 45-50
Quiche 9” (23 cm) round 400 204 25-30 Not Rec.
*Note: These charts are recommended only as a guide for times and
temperatures. Times and temperatures may vary depending on conditions
and food type. For best results, always check food at minimum time.