Whirlpool ET14NKXE Refrigerator User Manual

Before Using Your
It is important to prepare your refrigerator for use. This section tells you how to clean it,
connect it to a power source, install it, and level it.
Cleaning your refrigerator
Removing packaging materials
NOTE: Do not remove any permanent
Remove tape and any inside labels (except
instruction labels inside your refrigerator. Do
the model and serial number label) before
not remove the Tech Sheet fastened under
using the refrigerator.
the refrigerator at the front.
To remove any remaining glue:
l Rub briskly with thumb to make a ball,
Cleaning it before use
then remove.
After removing all packaging materials,
clean your refrigerator before
l Soak area with liquid hand dishwashing
using it, if necessary. See
detergent before removing glue as
cleaning instructions on
described above. Do not use sharp
pages 15-16.
instruments, rubbing alcohol, flammable
fluids, or abrasive cleaners. These can
damage the material. See “Important
Safety Instructions” on page 3.