Short Vacations.
No need to shut off the refrigerator If you WIII be
away for less than four weeks. Use up perishables,
freeze other Items. If your refrigerator IS equtpped
with an automatrc Ice maker, 1) turn it off, 2) shut off
the water supply to the Ice maker, 3) empty the ice
long Vacations.
Remove all the food If you are going for a month
or more If your refrrgerator is equipped wtth an
automatrc Ice maker, turn off the water supply to
the ice maker at least a day ahead. When the last
load of ice drops, turn off the Ice maker
Unplug the refrrgerator and clean rt...rlnse well
and dry Tape rubber or wood blocks to both doors
keeping them open far enough for air to get In
This WIII keep odor and mold from burlding up.
Tape the blocks out of a child’s
not allow children near the refrigerator when
the doors are blocked open.
To restart refrigerator, see “Using Your Refrigerator.
If your refrigerator IS equipped with an automatic
Ice maker, shut off the Ice maker water supply a
day ahead of time Drsconnect the water lrne After
the last supply of Ice drops, lift the srgnal arm to turn
off the Ice maker
Remove all food Pack frozen foods In dry Ice.
Unplug the refrrgeratcx and clean It thoroughly
Remove everything that comes out. Wrap all parts
well and tape them together so they don’t shaft and
Screw in the levellrng legs, tape the doors shut,
tape the electric cord to the cabinet When you
get to your new home, put everythrng back and refer
to page 2. If your refrigerator has an automatic Ice
maker, reconnect the water supply
Food storage guide
There is a right way to package and store refrig-
erated or frozen foods. To keep foods fresher, longer,
take the time to study these recommended steps.
Leafy Vegetables.
Remove store wrapping. Trim
or tear off brutsed and discolored areas. Wash In
cool water, drain and store In crisper. Cold, morst air
helps keep leafy vegetables fresh and crisp
Vegetables with Skins
(carrots. peppers) .Store
in crrsper, plastic bags or plastic container.
Wash, let dry and store in refrigerator In
plastic bags or crisper Do not wash or hull berries
until they are ready to use. Sort and keep berries In
their store container in a crisper, or store in a loosely
closed paper bag on a refrigerator shelf.
Meat’ Meat is perishable and expensive.. you
won’t want to waste an ounce of it through careless
handling. The followrng list and chart grve you pack-
aging hints and time limits.
Fresh, Prepackaged Meat.
Store fresh meat In
the store wrapping Vacuum packaged meat can
be frozen for as long as one month if the seal IS not
broken. If you want to keep it frozen longer, you
should wrap It wrth special freezer wrapping material
Fresh Meat, Not Prepackaged.
Remove the
market wrapping paper and re-wrap loosely in
waxed paper or alumrnum foil for storrng It unfrozen
Cooked Meat.
Wrap or cover cooked meat with
waxed paper, plastic wrap or alumrnum foil. Store
Cured or Smoked Meat and Cold Cuts.
bacon, sausage, cold cuts, etc , keep best in origt-
nal wrappings, Once opened, trghtly re-wrap in
plastic wrap or aluminum forl.