AMASS Overview
P-4 Preface 6-00026-01 Rev A
The conventions used throughout the AMASS technical books
are listed below:
Convention Example
The word “library” usually includes “jukebox”
and “standalone drive” and is a generic way to
reference a storage device.
If using HP SunSpot jukeboxes, install patch
Screen text, file names, program names, and
commands are in Courier font.
Request to add a new volume:
Volume group will be “20”
Volume position will be “A123”
The root prompt is shown as a number
# su root
What you should type in is shown in Courier
bold font.
bulkinlet 1,2-10,21,23
Site-specific variables are in a Times italics
tar -xvf tapedevicename
A backward slash ( \ ) denotes the input is
continued onto the next line because the
printed page is not wide enough to
accommodate the line.
# rsh nodename -n dd \
bs=20b | tar xvBfb - 20
(Type the entire command without the
backward slash.)
Pressing <Return> after each command is
A menu name with an arrow refers to a
sequence of menus.
Edit Policy —> Add Library