AMASS Overview
6-00026-01 Rev A Online Archiving with AMASS 1-3
to Archive
Yo u r D a t a
The Archival Management and Storage System (AMASS) is a
management tool for your storage solution.
Files are archived to media stored in robotic libraries,
jukeboxes, and standalone drives. The archived file system
managed by AMASS is supervised by a system administrator
who oversees the following components:
• File System
- Directory information
- IO activity
• Libraries, Jukeboxes, Standalone Drives
Status of elements
• Drives
- Dedicate drives for write-only or read/write
- Toggle online and offline status of drives
- Clean dirty drives
- Load, unload, and move media
- Read offline media
- Assign volume groups
- Assign media to a home storage slot
- Make media read-only or read/write
- Delete files on media