Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Scripting Environment
Follow these steps:
1. If you have not already done so, launch the ExtendScript Toolkit 2.0.
2. To ensure you have at least one Version Cue Server available to the client, launch Version
Cue Server in the usual fashion, as described in Getting Started with Adobe Version Cue CS3
3. Enter the code shown in Example 1. Make sure “Adobe Bridge” is the target application in
the Toolkit.
4. Execute the script. You should see a list of Version Cue Servers accessible from the client.
The VCSession class used in Example 1 has only class methods and class-level properties; there
are no associated instance methods or instance properties on VCSession.
var flags = new Array();
flags[0] = VCFlagConstants.BROADCAST_SERVERS;
flags[1] = VCFlagConstants.DECLARED_SERVERS;
flags [2] = VCFlagConstants.VISITED_SERVERS;
var vcResult = VCSession.exploreServers(flags);
var status = vcResult.status;
//serverList is the container to hold Servers
var servers = vcResult.serverList;
for(var cnt = 0; cnt < servers.size; cnt++)
var serObj = servers.getAt(cnt);
Window.alert("ExploreServer call failed\n");
Figure 13 shows the result of running Example 1 in the ExtendScript Toolkit.