Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide 7
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Programmer’s Guide
Key Operations
mon User Interface also let you customize how assets appear in the user interface of Adobe
Bridge CS3, which is tightly integrated with Version Cue.
To see the the Adobe File > Open dialog from the Adobe Common User Interface, using a cli-
ent such as Adobe InDesign CS3. If the normal operating-system file-open dialog appears
instead of the Adobe dialog when you are trying this for the first time or after deleting prefer-
ences, click the button labelled “Use Adobe Dialog” in the bottom left-hand corner of the oper-
ating-system dialog. To browse Version Cue projects, select the Version Cue item in the left-
hand panel of this dialog and navigate to the Version Cue Server that you just launched, the
name of which should appear in bold.
If you are using Adobe Bridge CS3, then you can browse Version Cue Servers directly from the
Favorites panel, which should show a root node named Version Cue. If you click on this node,
then you will see the Version Cue Server instances that are visible from your client; these are
displayed within the Bridge Content pane. If you navigate into a specific Version Cue Server
by clicking on its icon, then the Version Cue projects on that Server can be seen in the Content
pane of Bridge, as in Figure 1.
FIGURE 1 Custom Thumbnails for Version Cue Projects in Adobe Bridge CS3
Figure 1 shows a customized project appearance in the user interface of Bridge for “Sample
Custom Project”; note how the thumbnail differs in color and form from the other projects
Note that this custom appearance can be viewed in both Bridge and the Adobe Common User
Interface, in the context of the Adobe File > Open, File > Place and File > Save dialogs. Ideally,
your custom projects— connected to your own digital asset management system, say— will
have a different appearance than the standard Version Cue projects, as in this example.