Manual backdating describes changes that must be made to this manual for power supplies whose serial numbers are
lower than those listed in the title page to this manual.
Look in the following table and locate your Agilent Model. Then look at each serial number listed for this group. If
the serial number of your power supply is prior to any of the serial number(s) listed, perform the change indicated in
the Change column. Note that several changes can apply to your supply. You may also be instructed to update your
power supply if certain components are being replaced during repair.
Model 6010A Change Model 6011A Change
Serial Numbers Serial Numbers
US3711 0101-0170 1 US3546 0101-0155 1
3711A 01800-01929 1 3546A 01838-01962 1
3544A 01605-01799 1,2 3419A 01588-01837 1,2
3420A 01400-01604 1-3 3313A 01518-01587 1-3
3306A 01240-01399 1-4 3303A 01498-01517 1-4
3214A 01170-01239 1-5 3212A 01398-01497 1-5
3211A 01150-01169 1-6 3142A 01348-01397 1-5
3140A 01060-01149 1-6 3139A 01338-01347 1-6
3105A 00960-01059 1-7 3102A 01278-01337 1-7
3038A 00900-00959 1-8 3037A 01218-01277 1-8
2846A 00545-00899 1-9 2850A 00856-01217 1-9
2824A 00465-00544 1-10 2719A 00466-00855 1-10
2718A 00285-00464 1-11 2709A 00436-00465 1-11
2707A 00245-00268 1-12 2614A 00296-00435 1-12
2536A 00101-00244 1-13 2603A 00286-00295 1-13
2520A 00211-00285 1-14
2438A 00161-00210 1-15
2423A 00101-00160 1-16