Figure A-4. Calculating Value of Series Dropping Resistor
Remote Resistance Programming
Check switches A1 and A2 on the rear panel, they must be in their correct positions for CV and CC
resistance/voltage programming (see Figure A-2). A resistance variable from 0 to 4K ohms can be used to program
the output voltage or current from 0 to full scale. To program the output voltage, connect the variable resistance
between J3-25 (CV RES/VOLT PROG.) and J3-22 (E COM.). To program the output current, connect the variable
resistance from J3-24 (CC RES/VOLT PROG.) to J3-22 (E COM.).
If the programming lines become open circuited during resistance programming (user’s system
becomes disconnected from J3), the power supply's output will tend to rise above rating. The
supply will not be damaged if this occurs, but the user's load may be damaged. To protect the
load, be sure that the overvoltage trip point is properly adjusted. The unit includes clamp circuits
to prevent it from supplying more than about 120% of rated output voltage or current when the
remote programming voltage is greater than 5Vdc or remote programming resistance is greater
than 4K ohm. Do not intentionally operate the unit above 100% rated output. Limit your
programming voltage to 5Vdc and programming resistance to 4K ohm to assure reliable
Remote Voltage Programming (Figure A-6). Check switches Al and A2 on the rear panel, they must be in the
correct positions for CV and CC resistance/ voltage programming (see Figure A-2). A voltage source variable from
0 to 5 volts, can be used to program the output voltage or current from 0 to full scale. The load on the programming
source is less than 1mA. To program voltage, the voltage source should be connected from J3-25 (CV RES & VOLT
PROG) to J3-22 (E COM). To program current, the voltage source should be connected from J3-24 (CC RES &
VOLT PROG) to J3-22 (E. COMMON). If the programming lines become open circuited (user's system becomes
disconnected from J3) during voltage programming, the Programming Protection circuit will reduce the power
supply output to zero.