General Information 15
Output Characteristic
The power supply can operate in either CV (constant voltage) or CC (constant current) over its voltage and current ratings
(see Table 1-l). The operating locus is shown by the Output Characteristic Curve in Table 1-2. The operating point is
determined by the voltage setting (V
), the current setting (I
), and the load impedance. Two operating points are shown.
Point 1 is defined by the load line cutting the operating locus in the constant-voltage region. This region defines the CV
mode. Point 2 is defined by the load line cutting the operating locus in the constant-current region. This region defines the
CC mode.
The power supply can sink current for more rapid down programming in the CV mode. For Series 664xA and 665xA
supplies, this capability is defined by the second quadrant area (-I
) of the Output Characteristic Curve. These supplies can
sink about 20% of their maximum rated positive output current. For Series 667xA, 668xA, and 669xA power supplies, this
is an uncharacterized current-sinking area that provides a limited downprogramming capability.
Specifications and Supplemental Characteristics
Tables 1-1 through 1-4 list the specifications and supplemental characteristics for the Series 664xA, 665xA, 667xA, 668xA,
and 669xA power supplies. The organization is as follows:
Series Specifications Characteristics
6641A-6645A Table l-la Table l-lb
6651A-6655A Table 1-2a Table 1-2b
6671A-6675A Table 1-3a Table 1-3b
6680A-6684A Table 1-4a Table 1-4b
6690A-6692A Table 1-5a Table 1-5b
Specifications are performance parameters warranted over the specified temperature range.
Supplemental Characteristics are not warranted but are descriptions of performance determined either by design or type