Front Panel Operation 85
Front Panel Operation
This chapter shows you how to operate the front panel. It is assumed that you are familiar with the turn-on checkout
procedure in Chapter 3. That chapter describes how to perform basic power supply functions from the control panel.
operations that you can perform are:
■ Enabling or disabling the power supply output.
■ Setting the output voltage and current.
■ Monitoring the output voltage and current.
■ Setting the overvoltage protection (OVP) trip point.
■ Enabling the overcurrent protection (OCP) circuit.
■ Saving operating states in nonvolatile memory.
■ Recalling operating states from nonvolatile memory.
■ Setting the power supply GPIB bus address.
■ Displaying error codes created during remote operation.
■ Enabling local (front panel) operation.
Note You also can calibrate the power supply from the front panel (see Appendix A).
Getting Acquainted
The front panel is summarized in Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1. Note that the panel is organized as follows:
LCD display (including annunciators)
Output VOLTAGE and CURRENT rotary (RPG) knobs
SYSTEM keypad
ENTRY keypad
Power (LINE) switch
Some keys have two functions. For example, the System
key (3, Figure 5-1) can be used either to recall a stored
operating state or to
(store) an operating state. The first operation is shown on the key and the second (shifted)
operation is shown in blue
above the key. In order to do a shifted operation, first press the solid blue key, which is
unlabeled but shown throughout this manual as
For example, for a recall operation, press the recall key
. For a save operation, press the save key, which is
. When you do this, the Shift annunciator will light to remind you that the
key is now functioning as
key. In this chapter, such a shifted operation may be shown simply as .