Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 8-17
VXIplug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This command expects a
response that can be returned as a 64 bit real.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC hpe5250a_cmdReal64_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViPReal64 result);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
result Response from instrument.
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This entry point will wait
for a response which must be a string (character data). You specify the cmd_str and
size parameters, and get result[ ].
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC hpe5250a_cmdString_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViInt32 size, ViChar _VI_FAR result[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
size Length of result in bytes. 2 to 32767.
result[ ] Response from instrument.