Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 8-31
VXIplug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function executes the controller test, the front panel test, or the relay test for the
specified card. You must attach the relay test adapter before executing the relay test.
The Front Panel test requires the key to be pressed within 10 seconds else the test
will fail.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC hpe5250a_testExec_Q(ViSession vi, ViInt16 framecard_exec,
ViPInt16 exec_result);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
framecard_exec Test to be executed. 1 (card 1 relay test) to 4 (card 4 relay test),
5 (relay test for all card), 6 (front panel test), or 7 (controller
exec_result Test result. 0: No error.
This function sets a minimum timeout value for driver I/O transactions in
milliseconds. The default timeout period is 2 seconds.
Syntax ViStatus_VI_FUNC hpe5250a_timeOut(ViSession vi, ViInt32 timeOut);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
timeOut I/O timeout value for all functions in the driver. in milliseconds.
0 to 2147483647.
This function returns the timeout value for driver I/O transactions in milliseconds.
Syntax ViStatus_VI_FUNC hpe5250a_timeOut_Q(ViSession vi, ViPInt32 pTimeOut);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
pTimeOut Minimum timeout period that the driver can be set to, in