
Chapter 4 79
Configuring the Gateway
Terminating Client Connections
If after querying the status of the Gateway and client connections, you
determine that the Gateway or a client’s I/O operation is “hung” or there is a
deadlock situation between clients that are connected to the Gateway, you
can reboot the Gateway to terminate all client connections.
However, before rebooting the Gateway, you may want to alert users that
any I/O operations they have in progress and their client connections to the
Gateway will be terminated. The users will then need to re-open new
sessions on the Gateway after the reboot has occurred.
To terminate all client connections to the Gateway, at the Telnet prompt (>),
type: reboot. Once the reboot occurs, users who previously had open
sessions on the Gateway will likely get an I_ERR_TIMEOUT or
I_ERR_NOCONN error message. Since the reboot terminates all client
connections, those users will need to re-open new sessions on the Gateway
after the reboot occurs.
Any client operations in progress and client connections will be
terminated by the reboot command when it reboots the Gateway.