94 Chapter 5
Troubleshooting Client Connections
Troubleshooting Client Connections
This section gives guidelines to troubleshoot client connections to the E2050
LAN/GPIB Gateway, including:
n Client Connection Problems
n Client Run-time Errors
Client Connection Problems
Even if the E2050 LAN/GPIB Gateway has been successfully configured
and the configuration has been verified, individual clients may still have
problems getting a connection to the Gateway.
1 The first step is to verify that the client system has network access
to the Gateway. Use the ping command, as follows:
n For a Windows 95/98/Me/2000/NT client system, type:
ping hostname (or) IP_address
Enter. For example:
>ping E2050.agilent.com
Pinging E2050.agilent.com[] with 32 bytes of
Reply from time=10ms TTL=255
Reply from time=10ms TTL=255
Reply from time=10ms TTL=255
Reply from time=10ms TTL=225
Each line after the Pinging line is an example of a packet
successfully reaching the Gateway from the client system.
However, if ping is unable to reach the host, a message similar
to the following is displayed:
Pinging E2050.agilent.com[] with 32 bytes of
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.